Alma Comets

Robert Shields Jr. comments:

The league we played in was called the Octagon league. 8 teams us and Scio were the only teams from NYS. Ulysses, Genesee, Coudersport, Austin, Roulette and Antrim, all from PA. We won the championship 8 yrs. in a row.

This is pretty much the original team, then a lot of the players changed. and we joined the Buffalo Evening news league after that and we took first place there also and I can't remember the teams we played then but they were mostly from Nys/ I remember we had a contest to name the team and that is how we raised most of the money to buy our uniforms. Don Perrin won the contest and that was the beginning of the Alma Comets. He later started to play and he was a left handed pitcher."

Dave Dickerson comments:

"In the l956, 57. 58 area I played baseball for the Alma Comets. Bob Shields, Bain Shields, and Dick Shields were steady players. Also I think Frank Cady played some then. We had a couple of players from Shinglehouse (Terrette, Dietz) probably spelled wrong) and Manager was a Mr. Drake (Buzz, I think) from Shinglehouse. We played in Coudersport, Galeton, Ulysses, and I think some others in PA. Norm Mesler also played for the Comets at that time. I have never seen anyone that could hit a baseball farther than Norm Mesler."

From Donald R. Adams:

"I played with the Alma Comets for two years, maybe 3. This would have been in 1952, 1953 and 1954. Among the players from Allentown were, Frank Cady, Carl Kruger, Bill Richmond, Walter Stephens. I have some photos.

At home, the umpire was Harley Dickerson. Later on I would marry his niece.

Some of those years, perhaps all, we were in the Potter-McKean League.

I hope the score books never come to light, else my batting average might be proved to be less than I told my grandchildren."

Carl Kruger-Alma Comets Carl Kruger. Photo contributed by Don Adams.
Carl Kruger-Alma Comets
Carl Kruger. Photo contributed by Don Adams.
Comets baseball team (1) Alma Comets (ca. 1950)
Comets baseball team (1)
Alma Comets (ca. 1950) "I spoke to my father about the picture. My Dad is Robert Shields He stated the following. Front row left to right is Myself, Robert…
DonAdams-Alma Comets Don Adams. Photo contributed by Don Adams.
DonAdams-Alma Comets
Don Adams. Photo contributed by Don Adams.
lets play ball (1)May1949 Pam Vincent comments:
lets play ball (1)May1949
Pam Vincent comments: "The picture of him by himself at bat is dated May 1949 and it looks like the side of my grandfather's house (Dewey Hobson Pinney and…
Robert Pinney baseball2 (1)5-30-50 Pump Station Road Pam Vincent comments:
Robert Pinney baseball2 (1)5-30-50 Pump Station Road
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